Leap Orthodontics

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Am I Too Young For Braces?

Orthodontic treatment is commonly associated with teenagers, but did you know that early treatment can benefit children as young as seven years old? Early treatment, also known as interceptive or Phase I orthodontics, is the process of correcting dental problems while a child's jaw and teeth are still developing. Early treatment can help prevent more serious dental problems from developing later.

By identifying and treating orthodontic issues early, we can guide the eruption of adult teeth and direction of jaw growth, potentially avoiding the need for more invasive and complex treatments in the future. Additionally, early treatment can improve a child's self-esteem and confidence by correcting visible dental issues such as crooked or crowded teeth. This can have a positive impact on a child's social and emotional well-being. It is important to remember that early treatment addresses specific problems. Comprehensive treatment may be needed during the teenage years when all adult teeth are erupted for the full esthetic and functional result.

Early treatment is an important aspect of orthodontic care that can benefit children by preventing more serious dental problems from continuing to develop. By identifying and treating issues early, we can guide the growth and development of a child's jaw and teeth, potentially avoiding the need for more invasive and complex treatments in the future. We always promise that each visit will be fun, stress-free, and informative. If you have concerns about your child's dental development, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us at Leap today!

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children receive an orthodontic evaluation by age seven. At this age, most children will have a mix of baby teeth and permanent teeth, allowing orthodontists to identify any potential problems with jaw growth and tooth development. Common issues we watch out for are impacted teeth, missing teeth, underbites, overbites, open bites, and habits such as thumb sucking. Our orthodontists find solutions to these issues early so they do not cause more serious problems down the line.

However, not all children will need early treatment. In some cases, it may be recommended to wait until more permanent teeth have come in before beginning orthodontic treatment. The best way to determine if your child would benefit from early treatment is to schedule a complimentary consultation with us at Leap Orthodontics so that Dr. Schmahl, Powers, or Xofylli can guide you through what is happening with your child. Each new patient consultation and observation appointments are always a complimentary part of our 7&Up Club. Becoming a 7&Up Club member also involves fun contests, prizes, and collectible items while you are waiting to being treatment! Plus, every visit will include updates to height, growth, and tooth eruption so you know you and your child will have treatment at the ideal time for their personal development.